Welcome to our blog! Here you’ll find the latest news, insights, and examples of using AI-related technologies (deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, Keras, and torch, as well as distributed-computing and automation-related frameworks like sparklyr and mlflow) from R.
We also like to draw from a wide variety of contributors (so please consider submitting a post if so motivated!). Here is an alphabetic list of authors so far:
Author | Affiliation |
GitHub |
Turgut Abdullayev | QSS Analytics | https://github.com/henry090 |
J.J. Allaire | Posit | https://github.com/jjallaire |
François Chollet | Google Brain | https://github.com/fchollet |
Athos Petri Damiani | Curso-R | https://github.com/Athospd |
Matt Dancho | Business Science | https://github.com/mdancho84 |
Daniel Falbel | Posit | https://github.com/dfalbel |
Leon Eyrich Jessen | Tech. U of Denmark | https://github.com/leonjessen |
Tomasz Kalinowski | Posit | https://github.com/t-kalinowski |
Sigrid Keydana | Posit | https://github.com/skeydan |
Yitao Li | RStudio | https://github.com/yitao-li |
Javier Luraschi | Hal9 | https://github.com/javierluraschi |
Pete Mohanty | Stanford | https://github.com/rdrr1990 |
Thomas Lin Pedersen | Posit | https://github.com/thomasp85 |
Nick Strayer | Vanderbilt | https://github.com/nstrayer/ |
Yuan Tang | Ant Group | https://github.com/terrytangyuan |
If you are interested in publishing some of your own work or insights on the Posit AI Blog, we’d love to hear from you! See the article on contributing posts for additional details.
The Posit AI Blog was created using Distill for R Markdown.
Posts also available at r-bloggers